• SKON according to:
    Y. de Groot

    Uploaded on 13/12/2018

SKON creative communications
Hurksestraat 19
5652 AH Eindhoven
+31 (0)40 296 29 55
info a skoncreative com

Using our team’s experience, intuition and creativity we translate preliminary discussions into a selection of design concepts that, together with our client, are further worked into the final design solution. That’s how we create communication concepts and design house-styles, websites, brochures, annual reports, books, newsletters and more…

We know where to find the right specialist for the job that can help us deliver the communication design solution, tailored to your needs. We often work with our comprehensive network of professional web developers, photographers, illustrators, copywriters and printers.

Contact SKON to find out more about what we can do for you.